Point of Injury Medical Device

Arc Trauma

Life-Saving Potential

Explore the versatile applications of the ARC device, designed to occlude blood flow in traumatic neck injuries. Learn about its cautious use in patients with a history of carotid stenosis or surgery.


Learn about the history on the life-saving potential of the Arterial Restriction Clamp (ARC), designed to manage critical carotid artery injuries in high-risk situations. Witness how innovative cadaveric perfusion testing at Cedarville University demonstrates the ARC’s effectiveness.


Uncover the collaborative research behind the ARC device, with a diverse team of engineers, surgeons, paramedics, perfusionists, and military experts. Learn how their innovative studies on human cadavers ensure realistic, life-saving device testing.


Explore ARC Trauma, LLC’s enlightening presentations, including their showcase at the 2022 SAEM Annual Meeting, where they shared findings from their second cadaveric perfusion study. Discover the focus on training EMT-Bs to effectively use the life-saving device.

ARC Trauma, LLC

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